Friday, February 23, 2007

Easy Exercises You Can Do at Home

I know dieting sucks!
It sucks even more when you finally lose the pounds just to put them back on again later. If this describes you, then read further.
The problem with dieting is that most of us think that just by eating less we'll lose weight. Well to some degree that's true, however this weight loss is usually short lived. To lose weight you have to deprive your body of calories it needs to perform on a daily basis. This calorie deficiency however causes your body to look for easy calories to burn and these are mainly found in muscle. It takes a lot more energy for your body to burn fat than muscle. Did you know that! So what happens is that you'll lose weight but at the expense of lean muscle. What's even worse, once you finish dieting, you'll put even more weight on because it's easier for your body to replace that lean muscle with - you guessed it - fat.
The answer to this dilemma is - exercise!
By exercising during your diet you accomplish a number of things.
  1. You won't lose lean muscle mass because now your forcing your body to burn fat rather than muscle.
  2. You'll be adding a lot of tone to your body shape. No sagging upper arms, bellies or butts.
  3. You'll feel a whole lot more energized and bouncy to get through your day.
  4. And finally, your mental attitude and outlook on life in general will soar!
Now I know that exercising is boring to some, but you really don't need to do a lot of it. Fifteen to thirty minutes a day will do it. Best part is, you can do it right at home without any expensive equipment or gadgets.
Here are some great exercises with animated illustrations and instructions to follow.
Good luck, and keep that chin up!
Keep posted for other future tips and advice.


hannah said...

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